品神丹的方法。”沈翔說道:“現在先彆賣掉再生神丹,我會去找蕭仇想辦法。至尊大殿應該有不少活可做。”沈翔已經做好參加下品神丹比賽的準備,所以他現在很充裕的時間。馮羽潔隻是趁在至尊神殿中儘可能收購一些其他地方難以尋找到的神藥。突然傳來一陣敲門聲,現在已經是傍晚時分,天色有些昏暗,還有人來!“有人敲門,是誰?”沈翔和馮羽潔走出了房間一起去開門。這段時間駱天均要閉關,顧氏三兄弟都在外麵和那群老對手敘舊,所...Chapter 3151: Crazy Divine Race
Scoo saw that the other party was still relentlessly pursuing, he gritted his teeth and released a person from the Six Doors Divine Mirror!
This person was also from the Heavenly Ancient Divine Race, just like that stone forest called Shilongkang whom he previously incapacitated using the Forgetfulness Immortal Incense. After Shilongkang came out, Shen Xiang immediately told him that he would give him lots of Forgetfulness Immortal Incense if he could kill the two people.
Of course, to allow Shigukan to focus on fighting without distraction, he had given him a whiff of the Immersion Incense. This only provided temporary relief and comfort to Shigukan.
Chen Xiang intentionally starved Shi Songkang for a while, just to let him experience his strength. It only took Shi Songkang a short moment before he was being tormented to death by the Forgetfulness Poison. He appeared very obedient when he came out, even towards his own kind, but his face was still full of murderous intent. Only by killing these two people could he obtain the Forgetfulness Incense that would make him feel comfortable.
Sen Xiang saw the killing intent on Shi Songkang's face, and his heart was relieved. Because his method was effective and very effective. Shi Songkang had already begun to engage in初級combat with the two people from the Heaven Ancient Divine Race.He no longer cared about the secrets of Eternal Mountain’s underbelly and now, there was a hidden hand trying to break open the seal underneath Eternal Mountain, and everything was going smoothly!Hear...