red, listening attentively throughout the entire process. He did not express any opinions on other matters, only chiming in at the end when they were discussing the song. He mentioned that he had writ...EXO's winter special album comeback showcase was held at the GardenStage theater in Lotte World. ** had already selected attendees through various channels prior to the event. Thousands of fans were eagerly awaiting the performance under the stage, and as the sky gradually darkened, thousands of silver-colored lightsticks shone brightly.
Because of the venue issue, the number of audience members who could be present in person was not large, less than two
Chapter 200 of The Peninsula Asteroid is not as good as last year's. It is still being typed, please wait a moment.
After the update, please refresh the page to get the latest updates!, I'm pretty familiar with them.The relationships and impressions between each other are also good and bad. GD and Sun are considered two of the people she has a better relationship with."When I greet...