The name Fu Nanli, it sounds a bit familiar. A flash of white suddenly crossed my mind, and I remembered it. It seemed like I had seen this name in the news last life. Two days before filling out their college application list, Fu Jia's only heir, Fu Nanli, died in a car accident on his way to the airport.,The taxi sped down the road, rain splattering across the windows. A Cantonese song played softly inside the car, but Wen Qiao was too anxious to enjoy it; she wished she could fly there herself.,With a deafening 'bang', right before my eyes, a Bentley car and a concrete truck running a red light collided. The headlights were blinding, forcing me to cover my eyes. The screeching brakes, the tires squealing, and the earth-shattering impact of the vehicles created a cacophony of sound.。